Make embedded firmware collaboration Easy!

Easy automation for assembling packages into a firmware you can be proud of!

Transparent, Repeatable & Secure Firmware Build Procedures

Make IoT development accessible by using a build process that doesn't require advanced tooling. Enable fast & easy collaboration through recipe sharing. Build recipes that always install the latest version of Open Source Software dependencies from your software repositories

Accelerate final fimrware builds

Use caching to limit redundant installation package downloads. Marvel at the speed of your final firmware builds.

Faster developer collaboration through simpler packages

Use github to collaborate on projects or fork existing recipes. Enable Remote Developers with limited bandwidth to contribute. Produce 100s of devices in the time it took to build 1 device.

Getting started!

This project enables you to assemble embedded firmware images for Linux capable systems, including IoT Devkits, Single Board Computing systems like the Raspberry Pi or any other linux workstation that can attach to a wifi network. To get started, you must build a "Builder Hotspot."


The Builder Hotspot firmware runs on a standard Raspberry pi 3+ or 4. You will need

  • 2 Raspberry PI's (one to run the hotspot, and a target for receiving firmware)
  • 2 or more SD cards that are 16 gigs (or greater) in size
  • 1 ethernet* lan connection with access to the Internet
*You can also install a second wifi adapter on a pi to use a wifi network for connectivity to the Internet using the script.

Setup instructions

Activating the BuilderHotspot
  1. Download the firmware image and rip it to 1 sdcard
  2. Plug your lan connection into the ethernet port of the Raspberry pi
  3. Insert sdcard into the raspberry pi
  4. Power on the pi.
  5. Ssh into the pi to confirm we're online
Activating the RecipientImage
  1. Use the Raspian Imaging software to rip the latest verison of Rasbian to the card with the following settings:
    • Hostname: AnsibleDest.local
    • SSID: BuilderHotspot
    • Wifi password: pppppppp
    • Default user: Pi. Default pwd: ChangeDefaultPWD3331333 (we'll change this later)
  2. Plug your lan connection into the ethernet port of the Raspberry pi
  3. Insert sdcard into the raspberry pi
  4. Power on the pi.
  5. Use the Builderhotspot to confirm that the device attached to the wifi network (arp -a | grep wlan0)